4. January, P.A.S., Berlin
9. December, Neurotitan, Berlin, (finissage Glueheads exhibition)
31. Oktober, Haekem Theatre, Brussel, as part of Diktat
2. September, Onze Ambassade Festival #5, West, Den Haag, performing as Holland Spoor (duo with Harold Schellinx)

3. September, zondagmatinee at Gallery Hok, Den Haag, performing as Holland Spoor (duo with Harold Schellinx)
25. May, solo performance, Kühlspot Social Club, Berlin
14. May – 5. November, participating in Glue Heads – A Berlin Odysey into the Unreal, Verbeke Foundation, Stekene, Belgium

11. – 13. May, mini residency + concert, Ateliers Claus, Bruxelles (as part of Diktat)

4. March, Live performance at Große Wasserspeicher, Berlin

22. November, end of residency at La Générale, Paris
27. August, live performance in Voorburg (The Netherlands)

31. July in Krakòw, live performance with Girls on Tape (Fb announcement)


Girls on Tape – Berlin dates
“Girls On Tpe is the collborting project tht Jeff Sur*k *nd Rinus vn Alebeek strted some six ye*rs *go in Berlin. Coming from * long rod of collborting through the yers nd using vrious forms of medi, in Girls on Tpe the duo utilizes primrily dictphones nd wlkmns, to crete sound coll*ges.”
The copy/paste of the text above from pdf into this post created very much the effect we’re after when we treat and mistreat tapes with our machines. Please read out loud.
19. June – zero cohesion, Liebigstrasse 12
7. July -Petersburg Art Space, On the Spree, Moabit, Kaiserin-Augusta Allee 101
8. july – Untergrün Sommerfest, Lichtblick Kino, Kastanienallee 77 w/ guest girl Lorena Izquerdo